6 Practical Tips For Prioritizing Quality In CrossFit
If you ben doing CrossFit for some time, then you probably already noticed gains in your fitness. However, this is not over yet. The truth is that you’re just getting started.
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But as you continue to progress in CrossFit, you might reach a point where you find yourself pushing harder and harder to get extra reps and rounds to the detriment of your form and technique. However, this isn’t something you should pursue. Instead, you should look more at the quality and not that much at quantity. But how can you achieve this?
6 Practical Tips For Prioritizing Quality In CrossFit
#1: Breathing:
When you’re doing CrossFit, breathing adequately is crucial. Simply put, you should focus on inhaling to ensure that it is slow, long, controlled, and always through the nose.
Heavy mouth breathing should be reserved for sprints, short efforts, and the ends of workouts.
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#2: Break Up Sets:

If you think about a rep scheme, you usually come up with 21-15-9. This is because it is effective. Why you may ask? Simply put, it’s because each set can be broken up into sub-sets such as 3 sets of 7, 3 sets of 5, and 3 sets of 3.
Another great way to break up this rep scheme is 11 and 10, 8 and 7, then 5 and 4.
#3: Rest Between Sets:
If you’re used to doing your CrossFit training without resting for a minute, you should stop. While the main point is to go all out as fast as you can, it is also true that you can end up with an overall faster time if you actually plan to rest between sets from the get-go.
For example, the next time you do “Cindy” (AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats), try to do one round at the top of every minute. If you succeed, you will have accumulated twenty rounds. While this will feel very easy in the beginning it will be not-so-easy at the end.
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#4: Prioritize Mobility:

While you know everything you’re supposed to do in your CrossFit training, the truth is that you may only get to the foam roller or get a stretch band once or twice a week. This means you need to prioritize. One of the things you can do is to start with mobility work and only then do a WOD.
#5: Scale Movements And Weights Effectively:
Overall speaking, in what concerns to learning to scale movements and weights effectively, you need to optimize your CrossFit workouts to ensure that they fit your fitness level as well as your personal needs.
Understanding the difference between cross training and CrossFit.
#6: Take Individual Accountability:

While a lot of people prefer to have someone on their side to whom they are accountable, there is no better way than to take individual accountability.
If the WOD has back squats for strength, but your goal is a double-bodyweight deadlift, then explain to your trainer that you are focusing on the deadlift that cycle.